July 29, 2013
Beloved loved ones,
Hi! I'm doing quite excellent. Lately I've been really studying the 9 principles for a successful Family and realizing how much it can relate to any aspect of our lives. In my journal its listed as "9 Principles for a successful... ANYTHING" Seriously. Wanna have success? Just do this. This week I'm going to talk a little bit on how these 9 principles fit in with missionary work this last week for me. Let's begin. I'll write some of my thoughts, or other's thoughts (like prophets and stuff) and then link it to my week.
"In uncertain and difficult times, faith is truly a spiritual gift worthy of our utmost efforts." We need to understand and believe the doctrine. This is more of a funny story. We rode home in sheeting rain Saturday night after our luau, racing to get in the door. I carelessly forgot to lock my bike (unusual) and ran inside. The next morning, we go out to bike to church and hmm.. Weird. Where did my bike go? Oops. Got stolen haha. I was strangely calm and laughed as we hiked to the nearest bus stop. We came home after church to eat really quick and I observed, "Well, I guess that guy who needed it isn't quite finished with it yet. It'll be back later" My companions laughed and I did too, still not quite sure what I would do if my bike did not come back again. We left to go meet with some people and came back that night. Still no bike. Again, "Guess he's not done... yet. Still needs it." In my mind I figured I was just joking, however, lo and behold, that night I get a call from the Tanzi sisters who live with us saying, you're bike is back! Haha, guess he was done using it and I now can ride my bike. Now this isn't some example of heroic faith that saved nations, but it was enough to give me hope and let me not worry about the future. Even if it hadn't been returned, I still know everything would have worked out fine.
"Today is always a better day to repent than tomorrow!" This is one of the best ways I can feel the spirit daily. Continual daily repentance brings joy, hope, and the comfort of the Holy Ghost. I mess up daily. That's okay. I try to repent daily too to make up for it. We are constantly evaluating ourselves to see where we can improve and how we can better represent Christ. It just feels good.
"As soon as we learn the true relationship in which we stand toward God, then at once prayer becomes natural and instinctive on our part" When Christ wants to show others that He loves them, He prays for them. My night time prayers are filled and filled with names and people I love. Sometimes they are extremely specific, sometimes they are not, however, the feeling is always the same. God loves each and every one of us, He knows us personally and perfectly. I try to help others realize and make that connection daily. Once its there, there is nothing that can get us down.
"Heaven is filled with those who have this in common: They are forgiven, and they forgive" We cannot hold grudges or judge others. This is super helpful when you live with someone 24 hours a day and for months at a time. We are different, but that's okay. We talk and work together, knowing that nobody is perfect. When we are unified, we have the spirit and can teach effectively. I have loved each and every one of my companions dearly.
"By THIS (Love) shall men know, ye are my disciples." Love others as we know the Savior loves us. What would He do? The Xie family is one that I love deeply. A mom and her 3 sons. We meet with them twice a week and they are so wonderful. We were talking about who our best friends are once while chatting as we arrived and the oldest said without skipping a beat, Heavenly Father! These children are finding out that God loves them. We love them too. Because we love them, we share the precious knowledge that we have. Love is the most important aspect of missionary work.
"To consider worthy of high regard" "Honor them. They need to hear a good word. They need a friendly smile. They need a warm expression of true love" This last week we had a duanchuan with us this week named Lin JM. I have much respect for her. She's the only member in her family and her family really disapproves of her joining the church and leaving behind their family traditions. She has a strong testimony and is filled with faith and love for the Lord and His gospel. She was not afraid to share it with anyone and has grown so much over the last week. I am so grateful for all the people in my life that I look up to and respect.
"To suffer with, to show sympathy, pity, and mercy for another" Sometimes people just need a listening ear. I was reading in Mark when John the Baptist dies. Christ must be feeling so sad, and keeps getting followed, no time for Himself. He goes to a quiet spot to dwell after the news and is still swarmed with people pleading for His mercy and His healing. He was not like most of us who would say, oh just a second. I'm having a hard time, can you come back later? or I'll help that person another day. He immediately healed them and blessed them. He wept with those who needed comfort and strengthened the weak wherever He went. I want to be like that. Last night we met with a wonderful Mom and her daughter (Lily's family I've told you guys about) The Mom opened up about her past and we sat and listened for a long while as she spoke about the hardships in her life. Things very hard to imagine. Some were brought to tears as we listened and thought about how blessed each of us were for our wonderful families and lives, no matter the difficulties we may face. What a wonderful gift it is to have the opportunity to meet these wonderful people who need a listening ear, and then the gospel to help find a new start.
We had a smashing Luau on Saturday. I want to talk more about it but am out of time. Tons of people came, everyone had a great time, we took tons of pictures and I'll send them next week :)
Honest labor, not wasting time, discipline, seeing it to completion, and enjoying it every step of the way. Yeah, we work hard, but we have the best time doing it. I love being a missionary. I love working hard and sweating till you're not really sure if its raining or super hot when I walk into a room (gross, right?) I love meeting people. I love hearing their stories. I love speaking chinese. I love speaking Taiyu to old amas. I love the food. I love the weather. I love riding my bike. I love the weird habits people have here. I love the gospel. I love sharing it with everyone. I love smiling and having Christ's name in characters over my heart. I love every single part of my life and am grateful for this chance I have to be here.
I love you all so much! More next week
Love, Ally