Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Letter 7

Ni hao! Wo ai nimen! Wo hen kuaile zai MTC yinwei wo yao chu Taiwan chuanjiao!
I LEAVE IN TWO WEEKS! How exciting is that?! I really can't imagine what it is going to be like there, and my Chinese is certainly not ready, but I could not be more excited! I know that is where the Lord wants me, and maybe someday I'll know why He trusts me with such an important work. TWO WEEKS!!! Hehehe... You know you are all excited too. I shall soon leave the wonderful but monotonous life of the MTC and head to a teeny little island with over 25 million people. Blazes. Well, let me tell you some cool things I learned this week.
Steven B. Allen came to our Sunday Fireside and showed us a bunch of old LDS commercial clips. Most of them were great frazzled hair ones from the 70's with ultra cheesy one-liners, but he linked each one to us and our mission. However, for the sake of all reading this, let's apply it to everyone so you don't all get bored.
"Sometimes the most important thing you can share is yourself. Give them your time"
This was shown by parents sometimes putting off the little things (like reading a book or playing a game) with their children, but eventually taking that special time to be with them and realizing how important it is. The memories playing with children or spending time with someone in need will far outweigh that one time you did that one ultra important thing... what was it again? Oh right... you don't remember because years later it ended up not being important :) People want YOU. The greatest gift Christ gave was Himself, and we can all learn from that by serving others.
"The people in your heart can't hear what's in your heart, if you love them let them know everyday"
I loved this one so much! It was a man talking on the phone to his daughter in front of everyone at work, and he didn't want them to hear him say "I love you" back to her. Sometimes we automatically think, oh that person knows I love them, no need to say it. However, that's silly talk. I realize I don't do this enough either, so Mom, Dad, family, I LOVE YOU all so much!!! Missionary work relates to marriage in so many ways when it comes to having a companion. As missionaries, we need to tell each other the good things we do, help each other realize we are loved, and encourage each other to be the best we can by words and actions. I'm not married, duh, but same goes to a husband and wife I'd presume. What a sad thing not to tell the one you love that you love them with your whole heart! We need to cherish all the people in our lives.
"People become the labels you put on them"
This one sounds simple, but can have such great meaning. One elder here always says, "There is good inside every single person. If we don't believe they can change, who will?" They will become who we see them as. If you see them as negative, then they feel they have met your expecations. Why change? If it's positive, they feel hope, and their desire to become  better will increase. I know this is true! It takes time, but is one of the most rewarding things in life. True change is possible. True change is do-able! It all starts with a little bit of faith. Read Alma 32. See others with faith and hope and they will do the same.
There were more, but that's all the time I have for today. Mom, Dad, I'm so excited that you both want to SERVE A MISSION! I think that would be such a wonderful blessing to each of you and am pumped that you are preparing now to go when the time comes :) I'm so happy for you! I promise the blessings far outweigh the sacrifices and I'm not even to the field yet. I have such a strong testimony for how important missionary work is and how wonderful it is to bring others happiness and joy. There is no better feeling! (Except maybe cuddling on the couch with you Momma and watching a movie, but don't tell anyone I said that haha) This week has been ultra hard, but ultra rewarding at the same time! I had a dream that I climbed a tree here, fell off, and broke my legs and couldnt go to Taiwan for another 2 months. Don't worry, all tree climbing has since ceased and I am being super obedient. No more trees for me. Not that I climbed any before........ :) Tell Rachelle I got her package, and THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHHH!!!! All the chocolate and beef jerky are gone, but boy it was good. Thank you both so much, what an aweosme family I have! I love the pictures you send from your kids and cherish them! I truly LOVE LOVE the quilt and sleep with it and cuddle it and think you did a PERFECT job with the colors and size and everything. I love it so much! Thank you :) You are all in my prayers, every single one of you, every day! I love you and so does Heavenly Father. Remember that when times get hard. I wish you enough
Love always!
Sister Smart

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